Top 5 Fertility Myths Busted

article | Posted: 4 years ago | By: My Well Self

More aware of their reproductive health than any previous generation, this tech-savvy generation may be running into unhelpful misinformation regarding the facts and myths about fertility. 


Holistic health practitioners confirm that fertility and reproductive science has grown over the years and anyone who is looking to get pregnant is required to weed through a lot of information. 


Let’s go over the debunking of fertility myths.



#Myth 1- You’re over 35? It’s over for you

Despite so much info floating around, people still don’t understand when fertility begins to decline. One of the reasons is we’ve heard it multiple times from family, friends and sometimes even health practitioners.


Agreed, for an average 35+-year-old, it might get difficult to conceive, in comparison to 20 somethings, but that doesn’t mean it’s over for you. Even if an individual’s fertility declines, there are ways to improve your chances of getting pregnant.



#Myth 2- Taking birth control before trying will not affect your chances of getting pregnant

Pregnancy rates for women who use contraceptive and those who don’t are pretty much the same, but from a nutritional point of view, holistic health practitioners believe birth control can cause changes to gut health and strip your body of key nutrients for health and fertility.


Dietary changes are recommended that include taking prenatal vitamins, eating full-fat dairy, consuming foods with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and eating enough fibre. Limit the intake of inflammatory foods like refined grains, sugar, processed foods.



#Myth 3- Infertility is a women’s issue 

While women often bear the weight of infertility, according to ASRM, a third of infertility cases are caused by male factors, another third attributed to female factors, and the last third caused by a combination of male and female problems.


Both men and women can be equally responsible for it, and it can be solved. You need to be patients and work on it together as a team.



#Myth 4- You don’t need to plan for conceiving

This happens only in reel life, in real life, you should consult your holistic health practitioner before trying to get pregnant in order to understand all factors related to pregnancy including your family history.


Develop a plan before you wish to conceive so you are at your optimum health.



#Myth 5- Fertility has nothing to do with your lifestyle habits

Unhealthy habits including alcohol, smoking, substance abuse, sedentary lifestyle with no exercise, consumption of fatty, sugary food all can impact adversely on your fertility.


Diet and lifestyle habits play a big role in the semen quality of a man. Also, there are several nutrients that can help improve your and your partner’s fertility. A holistic health nutritionist can help you more on it. 


Have a general question about fertility? Ask a question to our database of vetted holistic health practitioners about fertility.



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