Combatting Sedentary Behavior In The Workplace

article | Posted: 1 year ago | By: My Well Self

Sitting is a common thing as modern society is designed for sitting but it can lead to repeated sedentary behavior in the workplace.


Like most people sitting at your job or sitting at your desk for long hours is required to perform your tasks but as this article continues we need to break the ‘sitting is harmless’ myth.


Just take a moment to think about it:

  • You sit while commuting
  • You sit while working
  • You sit while eating


More than half of your day is spent sitting and this makes your lifestyle sedentary.


Before we try to understand how can you combat sedentary behavior in the workplace, let us first know whether sitting is harmless or not.


  • Sitting limits the number of calories you burn
  • It increases your risk of weight gain
  • Your odds of diabetes rise
  • It can spike your anxiety
  • Sitting raises your risk of heart disease


These are just a few health issues related to sitting and sedentary behavior. There’s more as sitting down all day every day can lead to weak legs, bad back, stiff shoulders, varicose veins, and even DVT (deep vein thrombosis). 


So now that you agree with us that ‘sitting is harmless’ is actually a myth, let’s try to look for ways to combat sedentary behavior in the workplace.


  1. Take a break from sitting every 30 minutes
  2. Stand or walk while talking on the phone or watching television
  3. If you work at a desk, try a standing desk or a high-rise counter 
  4. Rather than sitting in a conference room for meetings, walk with your colleagues 
  5. Minimize the time you spend sitting during the workday
  6. Use the stairs instead of the lift or escalator
  7. Get off the bus one stop early and walk the rest of the way
  8. Park further away from your workplace and walk the rest of the way
  9. Walk over and talk to your colleagues instead of emailing them
  10. Take your lunch break away from your desk and enjoy a short walk outside if you can


Following an active lifestyle is the best way to combat sedentary behavior. Here are some simple ideas to keep you moving while you’re at home:


  • When tidying up, rather than taking it all together put items away in small trips 
  • Walk around when you’re on the phone
  • Stand up and do some walking during your favorite television shows
  • Sitting down to read? Rather listen to audio books while you walk, clean, or work in the garden
  • Stand on public transport, or get off one stop early and walk to your destination


Want to learn more about whether or not sitting is harmless? Check out our blogs related to sedentary behavior or register your profile and connect with one of our nurse health advocates to learn more about why sitting is harmful and how you can combat sedentary behavior at the workplace.


Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog or in any linked material is not intended and should not be considered a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. For holistic health advice and consultation, visit My Well Self.

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