Can Nutrition Improve Your Skin Health

article | Posted: 2 years ago | By: My Well Self

Glowing skin is one wish that every person aspires to get and for over centuries have been working on achieving this feat. A holistic approach for clear skin range from eating habits to a healthy lifestyle to exercises to supplements, nutrition is linked to healthy and glowing skin.



How does diet impact our skin?

Skin is our largest organ so it makes complete sense that what we eat affects our external organ just as it affects our internal organs. Skin concerns may stem from the gut so diet automatically plays an important role. Inflammation in the gut can cause leaking of certain proteins in the bloodstream causing skin conditions. So, what’s the best way to avoid inflammation -  healthy eating. Including foods rich in antioxidants, plain old water, fresh fruits, and vegetables. While also avoiding various foods high in healthy fats in addition to avoiding food that causes inflammation like processed food, alcohol, sugar.



Clear skin isn’t just about antioxidants 

The key to healthy skin is regenerating skin, that is old cells replaced with new ones as we age. Eating foods that stimulate these cells is the first step towards healthy skin. Also, peptides, a chain of amino acids work as a building block for protein collagen. Foods rich in peptides like eggs, soy, fish and meat stimulate the regrowth of peptides in the skin. Peptide-rich food also boosts the naturally occurring CoQ10 in the skin that fights inflammation. 



Antioxidants prove to be time fighters

Foods rich in antioxidants have proven to be slowing the signs of ageing. Doing so by combating features such as fine lines, mature skin, sunspots. Antioxidants neutralize the impact caused by free radicals that damage cells. 


Fruits and vegetables such as berries, tomatoes, artichokes, spinach are antioxidants-rich and so is dark chocolate. 



Experiment with your dietary habits

If you’re facing regular breakouts or oily skin, your eating habits might be one of the culprits here. Experiment with dietary changes for a few weeks to see what works and what doesn’t work for your skin. Dairy-rich food has been seen to cause inflammation and so is sugar-rich and processed food.



Skincare supplements can be tricky

The pills and powders that you might be thinking about consuming or maybe you are might not be the solution to your skin health issue. Until recommended by a holistic health practitioner or a registered holistic nutritionist, you might be wasting your time and money on it. Your daily dose of vitamins and minerals might do you good, but it can never be a substitute for a healthy diet. 



Just one holistic approach for clear skin: healthy eating!

All the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that your skin requires to be healthy and happy can be found in the food you eat and the lifestyle habits you follow. To know more about how food can help you achieve that healthy glow that all of us wish to get and maintain, consult with a registered holistic health nutritionist. 



Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog or in any linked material is not intended and should not be considered a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. For holistic health advice and consultation, visit

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